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Starry Sky

Teriyaki Turkey Pasta Stir Up!!!

I love pasta and there is no way I could drop it from my diet completely!!! So I get my pasta fix in a bunch of different ways! This is one of my favorites because it is...

1. Easy to make!



4. great for meal planning!!!

5. Great for a family meal!

How do you make this delicious looking concoction Marz?!?! Well I'll tell you!!!


1-2 boxes of Barilla Protein Plus Pasta! ~Depending on how much you want to make!

1 package of ground turkey ~ I get the big ones at BJ's thats really almost 2 normal size ones and its $6.99!!!

A few bags of frozen veggies of your choosing! ~ I had some left from making a batch last time so my pics are partially used bags

This time I used...




Cut leaf spinach

Sugar snap peas

You also want / need

Teriyaki sauce ~ I use Very Very Teriyaki

Toasted sesame oil

Amino acids ~ This is a lower sodium alternative to soy sauce. Soy sauce will work just as well!

Salt ~ I like Himalayan pink salt!

Some kind of oil! This time I used a bit of olive oil but canola coconut or veggie would do you fine!

SO!! What you want to do!

You want to start with getting some water boiling in a pot so you can cook your pasta while you get the rest cooking!

OH! Don't forget to salt your water!!! makes your pasta taste better and I think not stick as much?!

Now! While your water is boiling grab up a skillet or in my case I used our handy dandy wok! Add some oil just a bit is needed so the turkey wont stick!

Once your oil and pan are heated toss your turkey in and stir it around to start cooking it!! Add a couple splashes of teriyaki sauce right on top of your meat as you stir it around!

Stir the turkey around until its mostly cooked adding in as it cooks a little Toasted Sesame Oil, Amino Acids and a splash more teriyaki!

If the flavor is a bit strong at this point that is good because it will balance out with the pasta later!!

Speaking of pasta KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR WATER!!! Is it boiling?! Add your pasta!!!

Keep an eye on it, stir occasionally and take it off when it is aldente!

Next you grab your veggies!!

For 1 pack of turkey use 1/2 of each bag!! This is lots of veggies!

If you want more add more! Want less add less! Want fresh use fresh! Want a different veggie use a different veggie!



Toss them in of course!!!


Now cover it and let it steam!!!

From this point on I forgot to take pictures so I'll try to make do and snap pics next time I make this and update this post!!

Check your PASTA!!!

Strain your pasta out and put it in a large bowl. Mix the pasta with a couple splashes of teriyaki and set it off to the side.

Cover it with a paper towel or set it in the microwave (off) to keep it warmer while it waits.

Check the turkey and veggies after about 7-10 minutes and give it a good stir! By this point your turkey is cooked and you can give it a taste!

If not flavorful enough yet at a splash of teriyaki and a pinch of salt to taste!

Check your veggies and see if they are all cooked! If they are this part is done!

Pour your turkey and veggies over your pasta and mix it all up!!!



I used the equivalent of 2 packs of turkey and it made enough for...

1 meal right then!

7 packed meals!

and enough turkey and veggies that I can make another box of pasta and mix it right up for another 8 meals!!!

This recipe is yummy, High in protein, Pasta, Meal plan friendly, and Good for you!!!

Its a Win in my book!!!

Haha ya know cause its my Encyclopedia of Noms!

Thanks for checking this out!

Let me know if you try it and how you like it!!!

Love and Peace!

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