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Starry Sky

OMG! Oh My Garden!

I love to garden!

Through a household group effort we are maintaining an amazing garden in our yard! I am amazed as I watch it grow!!

Beautiful tree out from bloomed in time for graduation!

The amazing tree above is out front of the house and bloomed just in time for my graduation celebration!

Prior to graduation, while school was still in session, I got the idea that this spring I wanted to grow a veggie garden!

So I went out and got some seedling starter trays and seeds and got to planting!

I planted Broccoli, Asparagus, Beans, Green Beans, Edamame, Peas, Tomatoes six types, Pumpkins, Watermelons,

Radishes both red and white, Beets, Chives, Thyme, Strawberries, Scallions, Oregano, Parsley, Chamomile, Cucumbers, and Aloe. Reading the list now I went a little extra but its an amazing garden!

After graduation we planted everything in the yard!

Gave everything a healthy watering and let the plantlings take root!

Take root they did!!!

A little dirt never hurt!!

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